Friday, August 30, 2013


This was my first week of my Sophomore year. It has been crazy, and I am definitely loving being an upperclassmen. Also the freshmen are seriously irritating me, which is funny because I was one just last week. My classes seem interesting and work-heavy. Which I suppose is better than boring and easy?

YOUTUBE : I am already falling behind on my youtube-watching. It is sort of depressing. But since this was one of my all-time favorite Jenna Marbles videos, and she made a second one, I was pretty excited.

TELEVISION : Pretty Little Liars! The season finale, I CAN'T! Go watch it, I don't want to spoil it like everyone did for me.

MUSIC : Not very new, but great song.

FOOD : Ah. All of the new food options on campus. I love it. I caved and bought a meal plan, so I have been taking advantage of my "free" food and eating salads and wraps at our new Freshii restaurant.

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