Thursday, August 8, 2013

INSPIRED : Emily Fields

So I decided to continue the Pretty Little Liars series, and next up is Emily. She is definitely the most casual out of the four of them. She has gone from being very sporty and casual, to being a little more edgy in the recent season.

1. Graphic tees. Emily definitely wears tees a lot, plain and graphic tees. They fit very seamlessly into her casual style. So if you are trying to emulate Emily's look, start collecting your t shirts.

2. Skinny jeans. Generally blue, black, or grey, but occasionally she throws in a dark color to spice it up. Emily wears a lot of jeans, and whenever I see her sporting a skirt I am surprised.

3. Jackets. Emily loves her jackets. Leather, in all different colors, cargo jackets, and leather vests. Make sure you have a variety of outerwear, it adds a lot of character to an otherwise simple outfit.

4. Combat boots. Most of the time she wears some sort of combat boot, I generally see her rocking a brown variation.

5. Converse. When Emily isn't wearing combat boots, she is wearing some sort of sneakers. I definitely prefer her converse that she wears quite frequently.

6. Flannel shirt. Along with her other outwear, she sports a flannel shirt as a sort of makeshift jacket.

7. Scarves. This is a classic Emily accessory, for someone that doesn't wear a lot of accessories, scarves add a lot of character, with minimal effort.

8. Minimal jewelry. Speaking of minimal, she does wear some jewelry, but it is very simple, delicate, minimal jewelry. The sort of thing that you got as a kid, and never took off.

9. Pastel nail polish. I did this for Aria as well, so I thought I'd throw in the types of nail polish she generally prefers, and that is pastels. It isn't the types of colors I would pin for Emily, but it is her usual look.

Should I do Spencer or Hanna next?

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