Monday, August 5, 2013

MAKEUP MONDAY : Lime Crime Lipstick

Lime Crime has gotten a lot of hate over the past few years because of some big scandal in the makeup industry. From what I gather the company was repackaging other brand's products, but I don't really keep up on the makeup politics. If you are interested, just google it. I do know, however, that they have some pretty, unique lipstick colors. Also really cute packaging. Resembles MAC tubes, but with holographic unicorns.

Airborne Unicorn, D'Lilac, Great Pink Planet, Countessa Fluorescent, Centrifuchsia, Retrofuturist, Glamour101

Any of these strike your fancy? Honestly, all of these appeal to me, but who can afford that? I will just go for the more original shades. If you want some really crazy colors, they have blue, yellow, and black, but that isn't something I will ever wear. Maybe if you cosplay or something? Halloween? Well, they retail for $15.99, slightly more expensive than MAC, but from what I understand they are very similar quality.

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