Friday, August 2, 2013


Thing's I've Been Loving:

Twitter! I never was really into it, and lately I have been all about tweeting (and retweeting). So follow me @brynnarachelle.

DC! I am one week away from going back to American U, and I am bursting with excitement. I miss the freedom and the busyness, and I can't wait to be back with my beloved Metro system. You'd never think that my favorite part about the city is the Metro. For the record, I also love the NYC subway system, I just prefer the DC Metro.

YOUTUBE: No specific channel has stuck out to me this week, but I did discover the whatever channel. Their social experiment comparing a girl and a guy asking strangers to have sex with them, is very interesting. Definitely check it out, you may be surprised.

MUSIC: This isn't a new song, but I heard it at the beginning of Identity Theft, and it sparked a desire to re-discover the song.

TELEVISION: I am really loving Pretty Little Liars, hence the Aria post.

I am so confused about Mona turning herself into the police, my mom thinks she isn't going to be believable so that Hanna can't use the same story. I think she is trying to get Hanna's mom out of jail, and is going to plead insanity. Guess we will see next week!
Also can we just talk about how fabulous Aria's comic book dress was? Seriously. Can anyone tell me where I can buy one? The print, the shoulders, the mesh. It is so perfect.

FOOD: Crispy M&M's! They are my all time favorite candy, and are discontinued in the US. I don't know why they'd do that to us loyal fans. However, my friends recently went to Japan and Germany (separately) and brought me back some! They know me too well. For those who have never had crispy M&Ms they are very similar to the pretzel variety, without the saltiness.

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