Tuesday, August 13, 2013

MAKEUP MONDAY : American Apparel Neon Green Swatch

Yes, I know it is no longer monday. Don't kill me. I just moved into my new apartment, and we are currently lacking internet. This is the first time I got to sit on campus and work on my blog.

Well, here is another American Apparel Neon nail polish, this time in neon green. I think I prefer yellow, just because it is a little more quintessential neon. However, I think the green applies slightly better than the yellow. In this picture I applied 3-4 coats, I like it to be nice and thick. You could probably get away with 2-3.

By the way, this was taken with my new apartment view in the background. We are steps away from the campus, and the place is massive. It's a win, win. 

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