Friday, July 19, 2013


It has been a pretty lo-key week, cleaned out the garage on Sunday, took the pets for their rabies shots Tuesday, shot pool with some friends on Wednesday, and a club in Waikiki on Thursday, Playbar. I am babysitting tonight, and hitting up a new club, Soho, with some girlfriends tomorrow night!

Thing's I've Been Loving:

My blog! Obviously I just launched my blog, and it's pretty exciting.

I got a babysitting job for the Fall 2013 semester! Yay! Now to apply for some work study jobs...

YOUTUBE : sunbeamsjess, my new favorite YouTuber. Here is her most recent video, fab right?

BLOG : Nasty Gal Blog, so great.

MUSIC : Bridget Mendler's new album. Particularly the songs 'Blonde' and 'Hurricane'.

FOOD : Went to my favorite little Italian restaurant here in Honolulu, Ricados, probably for the last time. I am really upset that I forgot my leftovers, though! I will say that if you are in the area, it's worth checking out.

MOVIE : House Bunny! I can't believe I never saw it until now, it was hilarious, and I love Anna Faris, Emma Stone, and Kat Dennings. "Can I just get one Mahi, because I'm not that hungry." The link is for a place to watch it online (shh don't tell!), but I thought this one worked great!

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